VMC Lofts
VMC Lofts, is the adaptive reuse of the historic Vincent McCall building which was formerly known as a mattress manufacturing facility located in Kenosha, WI. VMC has recreated the building into a state-of-the-art loft style apartment for those families who reside in Kenosha.
Our highly trained team of professionals were contracted to do all the listed above from abrasive blasting, excavation, inspections, universal waste, and so much more. You name it, Balestrieri did it on this job.
Not only did we perform all trades on this job, but we were in and out while not interrupting staff as well as other vendors and contractors on the job site. We were there for over a month and really had the time to do the job right, we strive to be the best at what we do and VMC Lofts really let us show off all of our skills, talent, and hard work.
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