Karcher School
Built nearly 100 years ago, Karcher School served as Burlington’s first High School, and in the most recent decades, the building served as the district’s middle school. As a trusted environmental contractor with the district, Balestrieri was very familiar with the building over decades of previous renovations. Eventually, maintenance costs and the outdated learning environment of the old building lead to the approval of a new middle school. As required by EPA, Balestrieri safely and efficiently performed all the necessary environmental remediation prior to building demolition.
Like nearly all projects, this project came with a strict deadline. For safety concerns, the bulk of the work was to be completed when students were home for the short summer vacation. Balestrieri worked with the General Contractor and Demolition Contractor to perform the abatement and all other environmental remediation simultaneously to building demolition. The previously building consisted of a series of additions that allowed our team to work safety in separate segments of the school while the demolition contractor simultaneously demolished the structure.
Efficient management, keen attention to safety, and cooperation with all parties involved were key components on successfully performing asbestos abatement, removal of hazardous/universal waste, and necessary selective interior demolition. Furthermore, Balestrieri’s extensive experience within old buildings was crucial in anticipating unforeseen conditions and addressing these matters in a timely fashion to avoid delays.