Hello from all of us at Team Balestrieri, it’s Abby here along with my new teammate Ellie. As many know I have been a part of this fantastic team for the last 9 years but have recently become very ill. Lately, I have been training Ellie and keeping her up to date on all the recent news. Balestrieri is very sad to watch me go, but the doggy gods told me it was time. Ellie is full of energy and still in her training stages so bear with us, but she will learn quickly just like I have in the past. With that being said here is Ellie with Octobers News.
“Ellie here,” As Fall approaches our friends here at Balestrieri would like to touch base on the safety of lifting and lifting properly. We hear the famous phrases, “bend your knees not your back” and “don’t twist, lift.” This is good advice but sometimes seems to go against human nature, so here are some actions you can take to help you lift properly-
- Stretch and loosen up before work
- Get as close to the load as possible
- Avoid picking up heavy objects placed below your knees
- Keep your back straight and bend at the knees
- Tighten your stomach muscles
- Stay in good physical condition
I would like to share our Employee Spotlight as well for the month of October. May I introduce you to Mr. Jose Manrriquez.
Jose is a proud team member of Balestrieri and has been with us since 2008. He enjoys all demo work as well as bridge jobs. We asked Jose to describe his work and he states, “Every day is different work and I’m always on different places, but the best part of being all over is that I get to work with everyone and I like to work with everyone.” Outside of work Jose enjoys playing soccer with his friends and now that fall is here the holidays will start to roll in, giving time for Jose to be with his family and celebrate being together.
I would also like to invite you to join my human counterparts at the FET Trade Show October 24th and 25th at Ingleside Hotel, Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Also, the WAC (Wisconsin Asbestos Conference) is at the Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells December 6th and 7th. Click here to register!
To end our October Blog, I would like to congratulate Rich Heyer with his successes at the AGC Leadership program! Rich mentioned he wasn’t quite sure what to expect when attending this program, but he ended up loving the group experience and cannot wait to attend more in the future. Rich took part in various team building skills, workshops, and he found the camp to be very beneficial as well as a great networking experience. For more information regarding AGC of Wisconsin click here and the AGC Leadership program click here.
It’s Abby again… I hope Ellie excelled expectations for this month’s blog, she has many more to come! Balestrieri is a family and I know that I will have a little piece in everyone’s hearts. I hate to say goodbye, but I love you all.

Rich Heyer at the AGC Leadership Program