Foxtown Landing

Location: 412 N Plankinton Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53203

Project Manager: Justin Zoellner

Field Manager: Antonio Venegas

The Foxtown Landing was purchased after years of sitting vacant. A building had been demolished there approximately 20 years ago. During a soil test on the vacant lot, an engineering consultant discovered suspect asbestos-containing building materials. In response, the owner contracted Balestrieri to conduct a preliminary environmental inspection of the soil. The inspection confirmed the presence of asbestos contaminated soil and other various building materials buried beneath the soil, which led to unexpected financial and time-related challenges for the current owner.

This project emphasized the importance of selecting a qualified demolition and abatement contractor. Had these materials been properly identified and removed prior to the demolition of the building, these costs and setbacks could have been avoided. To address the issue, Balestrieri’s field personnel carefully excavated the asbestos pipe insulation, implementing the necessary environmental controls to minimize dust emissions. These controls included daily ambient air monitoring and spraying water across the area to suppress dust.

Dog-friendly Foxtown Landing brewery, restaurant receives final design approval.
