Our Team

Sarah Pavlik

Pavlik, Sarah




Sarah Pavlik is the Comptroller at Balestrieri Environmental & Development. In this role, Sarah oversees the daily operations of the accounting and HR departments, ensuring smooth communication and efficient processes across the company. On the accounting side, Sarah supports various projects and collaborates with clients, gaining insight into the diverse range of work Balestrieri undertakes. In HR, she enjoys working with a dedicated team to ensure that every project benefits from seamless coordination and exceptional customer service. Sarah is also an active member of the Walworth County Human Resource Association (WCHRA).

In her personal time, Sarah and her husband can often be found enjoying time on the lake or exploring nature up north with their three Labradors. They are also excited about the opportunity to visit their son, who joined the Air Force, as he travels the world.

Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs